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Earn CIM pointson top of regular
shopping points by using
What is Coincome?
COINCOME is a cashback site where you can earn CIM points every time you use various online services via us.
COINCOME is a cashback site where you can earn CIM points every time you use various online services via us.
What is CIM ?
CIM is a crypto asset listed
(August 2019) on, the 6th
largest exchange in the world.
The CIM earned at COINCOME is written as "equivalent to ○ SGD" and is pegged (fixed) to SDG, so it is not affected by rate fluctuations.
*We have temporarily suspended accepting transfers of CIM tokens to the wallet.
CIM tokenCIM token
1,000 SGD equivalentCurrent values
A safe system
We are strengthening our security by
introducing an
eKYC system

Get ready for our original
wallet app!
We released our wallet application "Coincome Wallet" in December 2020.
In addition to CIM, you can send and manage various tokens compatible with ERC-20.
In the future, cashback services will also be available in the app.
Give it a try!

COINCOME allows you to
save money in several ways